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The God of Abraham YouTube Channel
This channel is hell-bent on preaching the logic and love of the Word of God. Our mission is "To Reveal the God Within So You Don't Go Without." Please visit and subscribe.
Atlas Porter Sermons
Atlas Porter: The Rebellious Saint delivers powerful sermons in defense of Christianity. His approach to apologetics confounds skeptics and comforts believers.

Bible Verse Videos
On a weekly basis, new Bible Verse videos are posted on The God of Abraham channel in order to highlight significant scriptural moments to help inspire and inform both believers and future believers alike.
A New Psalms Translation
There are 150 Psalms in the Old Testament, many of which are attributed to King David. He would sing his songs to the Lord. Atlas Porter: The Rebellious Saint has re-written these 150 Psalms in modern English verse to accentuate the music.